May 20, 2024

On Public “Third Places” and Rebuilding Malvern Hills Pool

I support rebuilding the Malvern Hills Pool, a community-wide asset and historic landmark in West Asheville. Beyond home and commitments to work or school, public “third spaces” including parks, libraries, pools, community centers and gardens are affordable, accessible locations for residents to gather, connect, and build relationships that are key to neighborhood resiliency. 

Asheville’s Pool History

With the recent closure of Malvern Hills Pool, concerns about deferred maintenance, process transparency, and meaningful community engagement are parallel to the closure of the Walton Street Pool in the historic, Black neighborhood of Southside. I recently heard from neighbors in Southside who feel let down by the smaller, shallow replacement pool at Grant Center, who remember the broken promises of the 2017 bond referendum and still call for rebuilding their pool that is now an historic landmark. As we consider why residents and summer camp participants from all over the city are using Malvern Hills Pool, I encourage friends and neighbors to learn more about the Walton Street Pool story, their petition, and the missed opportunity to save it too. United, we can expand the coalition advocating for equitable investment in public third spaces for ours and future generations!

My Commitment

Cities across the country are struggling to keep up with maintenance and operations of public pools. As outcomes of climate change include extreme summer temperatures as well as heat island effect in cities due to loss of tree canopy, income disparity and rising cost of living means residents might not have access to air conditioning, transportation, or pools with membership fees. I am committed to neighborhood resiliency, which looks like prioritizing Malvern Hills Pool in Asheville’s 2024 bond referendum, remembering the lessons learned from Walton Street Pool and the accountability required to ensure success. I will also continue to pursue funding solutions and partnerships to expedite reopening, and I remain committed to government transparency and open meetings policy to repair, grow, and maintain public trust in our processes. 

What’s next and how you can engage: 

The May 28th meeting of City Council will include a resolution on the 2024 GO Bond, and the order of the bond is scheduled for our June 25th agenda as seen on Council 8-week planning calendar here. Follow community-led efforts to Rebuild Malvern Hills Pool here, which includes action to contact the full Council at

With gratitude, Kim Roney